top 50 startups in Kerala


Paysack provides Full Stack Solution for Fintechs to build and launch best in class financial products. Paysack is a full-stack API banking platform that helps to build & launch fintech products utilizing banking, payments, insurance, investing, payroll.

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Paysack provides full Stack Solution for Fintechs to build and launch best in class financial products. Paysack is an API infrastructure layer between all the stakeholders in the student ecosystem: student, parent, merchants, educational institute, fintechs, and financial institutions like NBFCs, banks, stock brokers, insurers.


Nicky Jacob

CEO & Co-Founder

Ricky Jacob


“We help companies like you go from ideas to launch.
Your trusted partner from day zero.

Services OF


Paysack is an API infrastructure layer between all the stakeholders in the student ecosystem: student, parent, merchants, educational institute, fintechs, and financial institutions like NBFCs, banks, stock brokers, insurers.

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