The Govt of India has granted permission for schools and colleges, which remained  closed since the Covid pandemic outbreak, to resume functioning. The Center has decided to reopen the schools as part of the fourth phase of Unlock. The schools are scheduled to open on September 21. In the first phase, students of classes 9 to 12 will commence study. The Center has imposed guidelines of the Ministry of Health for this purpose.

Interested students can enter the schools with the consent of the parents. Those who wish to continue online classes can opt for that too. Schools outside the Containment Zones will be allowed to operate openly. Students, teachers and staff from containment zones shouldn’t come. Sanitizer and thermal screening are mandatory at school entrances. Studies can be done outside the classrooms by following the Covid protocol. Assemblies, sports and events are not allowed. The Covid protocol is as follows.


Social distancing of 6 feet should be maintained
Face masks are made mandatory
Hands should be washed frequently with hand washes

Clean with alcohol-based hand sanitizers (for at least 20 seconds)

Hand tissue or handkerchief should be used when sneezing or coughing

Used tissues should be safely disposed of

Health awareness is important; even minor ailments should be reported
Spitting in public places, such as schools, is strictly forbidden
If possible, download and use the Arogyasethu app


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