top 50 startups in Kerala


EyeROV provides Remotely Operated Vehicles / Underwater Inspections Services Underwater Robotics. Company Providing Safer, Economical and Efficient Solutions to the World

EyeROV is the maker of India’s first commercial Underwater Drone – EyeROV TUNA. We primarily focused on underwater robotic systems developments both hardware and software.

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Johns T Mathai

CEO & Co-Founder

Kannappa T Palaniappan


“The key objective of all these systems is to enable the end-users to better visualize the underwater environment, collect quality data and assimilate to generate insights to make well-informed decisions.”

Services OF


EyeROV is a marine robotics company and a leading service provider in ROV manufacturing and inspection service in India with multiple projects completed across the country.
ROV Services Includes Videography of
– Upstream
– Still Basin/Buck
– Sluice gates and Intake Gates
– Trash Racks and Penstock
– Tunnel
ROV services include
– Pile/Pier Condition Assessment
– Scour Profiling
– Pre-Post Rehabilitation Surveys


ROV Services we provide are
– SPM Inspection
– Inside Pipeline Inspection
– Fire/Storage Water Tank Inspection
– Pipeline Survey


ROV Services Include
– Ship hull Inspection
– Survey post Incident
– Ballast Tank Inspections


ROV Services Include
– Pile/Pier Condition Assessment
– Warf Survey
– Breakwater Inspection


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