top 50 startups in Kerala

Maxim AI

Maxim AI is a SaaS platform enabling GenAI developers to test and ship their applications faster. Maxim’s infrastructure, which sits between the foundational model and application layers of the AI stack, is deeply focused on AI developers who comprise the traditional AI/ML engineers


Vaibhavi Gangwar


Services OF

Axnol Digital Solutions

Axnol provides end-to-end services across a wide variety of technologies and business verticals. Our differentiators are our successful track record in delivering innovative solutions, flexible engagement models, mature processes and continuous focus on emerging technologies.

Visual Design / Wire framing / Branding / Responsive / Custom Typography.

Product Fulfillment / Discounts and Promotions / Secure Payment Processing.

User Experience / Prototyping / Platform Design / Interaction Design / Data Capture

Modular / Quality Testing / Bespoke Platform / Flexible and Scalable

Cross-platform / Touchscreen / Usability / Smart Loading / Device Dimensions

User Interviews / Problem Solving / Technical Consulting / Practices Analysis

Goal Setting / Benchmarking / Trend Spotting / Funnel Analysis

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