Parks, shopping malls and other public places in Singapore are becoming active again after a brief shut down. And, the talk of the town is the robotic dog that patrols with healthcare officials and policemen to control the crowd. Spot, a four-legged robot dog developed by Boston Dynamics, is there to remind people of social distancing. Every day, the dog would patrol in parks and other areas.

Spot would ask people to maintain at least 1-metre distance after scanning and analysing images on the camera connected to its front. The robot dog, which has traits similar to a real dog, is the centre of attraction now. The robot dog Spot has been assigned to look after and monitor corona patients in the United States. Spot has been serving the Singapore parks for the past few weeks. It can easily travel through the muddy and sloppy areas in parks. The robot employs data analysis and AI. With Spot attaining success and popularity, it might be used for surveillance in public areas.


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