Australian researchers say roads could be built with disposable face masks

Australian researchers say roads could be built with disposable face masks
Studies show such roads will be stronger than roads built in conventional mode
The material has been developed by researchers at RMIT University in Melbourne
They suggest adding single-use face masks to Recycled Concrete Aggregate
Researchers have developed a new material to integrate masks in the road construction
They  say this ‘face mask RCA’ can be used to build roads
The RCA will improve road safety, ductility and flexibility
About three million face masks are required for  one kilometer road
It is estimated that 6.8 billion face masks are being used worldwide every day
Compared to the traditional mode,  the construction can be reduced up to 30%
Polypropylene face masks are ideal for road construction as they are not degradable

The UN had reported that single-use masks would cause a serious waste problem
About 75% of used masks either pile up or pollute the ocean
The study has been published in the journal Science of the Total Environment


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