If innovations which transform society makes a startup relevant, then the startup Carbon Crafting based in Mumbai, is creating revolutions. Carbon Craft Design converts air pollution into carbon tiles.

Brainstorm idea of Tejas Sidnal, a Mumbai-based architect, has found a product alternative to the world’s biggest disaster. Tejas developed the idea after attending the Masters Program from the School of Architecture in London and learning about Air-Ink Carbon Based Products in the US. After isolating carbon from the atmospheric pollutants, the residual soot is mixed with cement, marble chips and marble powder and converted into tiles of 8 ″ x8 ″, 10 ″ x10 ″, and 12 ″ x12 ″ sizes. The Specialty is that these tiles are handmade. Tejas hopes that his innovation will help to revive the handicraft industry in the country. A tile is born when 30,000 liters of air are purified. The tile is made of hydraulic pressure. Energy requirement is about one-fifth compared to vitrified tiles.

Tejas marketed the tiles at Rs 190 per square feet. Already 4000 tiles have been sold. Atmospheric pollutants are made into carbons by removing harmful substances including metal. Bricks can be made using the same materials. But since it is costly, Tejas is focusing on tiles. Carbon Craft Design was launched in 2019. This innovation has gained the attention of world leaders in a short period of time. Discussions are underway to launch distribution networks in Miami, Sri Lanka and Dubai. Innovation from Tejas can be counted on as one of the most significant sustainable innovations across the world in recent times.


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