Nita Ambani announces 'HerCircle', a social media platform for women

Nita Ambani announces ‘HerCircle’, a social media platform for women

The platform is for women’s empowerment, says Reliance Foundation Chairperson

A one-stop destination dealing women-related content is a platform for sisterhood and equality, adds Nita Ambani

The platform aims to engage women in activities fostering their development welcomes women’s ideas and initiatives

Women from all communities and countries can take part

Her Circle subscribers will have videos and articles on a variety of topics

Living, Wellness, Finance, Work, Beauty and Fashion are key topics

It provides Personality Development, Entertainment and Creativity Opportunity

Also offers opportunities for active participation with women-led NGOs and other organisations

It will help women for upskilling and professional achievements

Participants will receive recommendations, including mentorship and leadership from the Reliance Panel

Stories of women’s success, struggle and hope can be shared on the platform

Her Circle will navigate a person to master classes in business and digital courses

Her Circle registration is free; the English platform will soon be expanded to other languages




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